属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-在刚果行医的女医生Lyn Lusi
1 | 我特别讨厌和他们那帮人在那里山南海北的闲聊 | I got fed up sitting there and chewing the rag with the gang like theirs | |
2 | 我听够了你的牢骚话。 | I’m fed up with your grumbling | |
3 | 我听够了你的怨言。 | I’m fed up with your grumbling. | |
4 | 我听够了他的怨言。 | I’m fed up with his complaints. | |
5 | 我厌烦了这种生活。 | I’m fed up with this kind of life. | |
6 | 我越来越感到厌倦了,真的。 | I’m getting fed up , I am. | |
7 | 我真是受够了。 | I’m fed up with it. | |
8 | 我只是有点厌倦了。 | I am just a bit fed up . | |
9 | 学生们变得厌烦、气愤而且终于勃然大怒。 | Students become to be fed up and angry and flies into rage finally | |
10 | 厌倦到极点; 倒胃口极了 | fed (up)to the (back)teeth | |
11 | 誉满江南的灵岩山,胜迹荟萃,风光秀美,备受大城市生活烦扰的人们,如求一日清闲,灵岩山无疑是理想的乐园。 | So this is Lingyan Hill, with its evocations of history and great scenic charm. Those that feel fed up with the hustle and bustle of urban life will find it an ideal place to relax themselves and enjoy at least a day’s peace and quiet | |
12 | 怎么啦?你显得那么不高兴. | What’s the matter? You look pretty fed up . | |
13 | 怎么啦?你显得那么不高兴. | What’s the matter? You look pretty fed up . | |
14 | 这样的潮湿天气使我腻味。 | I am fed up with this wet weather | |
15 | 真的,我吃腻了炒蛋。 | Really, I’m fed up with fried eggs. | |
16 | 真是的!你这么粗心大意我已受够了。 | Really! I am fed up with your carelessness . | |
17 | 纸规:印刷机上的机械装置;有前纸规和侧纸规。它确保纸张送往施印的位置,以获得一致的白边和准确的套印。亦称标针。 | Guide: A mechanical device on a printing press that causes all sheets fed up to it to be printed with a uniform margin and register.There are front guides sand side guides. Also called Lay. | |
18 | 昨晚上在大华里,我等你不来,闷得很,就跑进那跳舞厅去看看。我认识徐曼丽。 | I waited for you last night in the Great China Hotel, but you didn’t come and I was feeling fed up , so I went into the ballroom to have a look round, and there she was | |
19 | ||1: 虽然举着“结束美联储”标语牌的一个年轻人被描述为“支持Ron Paul(共和党众议员,于2008年竞选总统失败,并计划参加2012年总统竞选。主张建立小政府,撤销美联储等许多美国政府机构,反对全民医保,曾著有《结束美联储》一书)的人”,而且Ron Paul这位有望获胜的自由意志共和党候选人拥有不少支持者,但是抗议的总体基调是偏左的。 ||2: 民主党民意调查员Doug Schoen调查了200位参与者后发现其中大部分人就美国主流价值观念而言思想偏左。 ||3:几乎是所有人(98%)都认为他们都将采用不合作主义达成目标,几乎有三分之一(31%)的人认为有必要的话将采用暴力。 | ||1: The general tone is left-wing, though a lone youth with an “End the Fed” placard is described as a “Ron Paul person”, and the libertarian Republican presidential hopeful has at least a handful of supporters there. ||2: Doug Schoen, a pollster for the Democrats, surveyed 200 participants and found most were well to the left of the American mainstream. ||3: Virtually all (98%) say they would support civil disobedience to achieve their goals, and nearly one-third (31%) would use violence if necessary. | |
20 | ||1:并不是只有新股东们感到失望。||2:7月30日,来自纽约的为唱片、乐手和设计师搭建的线上平台,Limited Run,宣布公司将删除其Facebook主页。||3:据估计,其80%的主页点击都是"机器人"所为——电脑操纵而非用户,而他们却一样要为这些点击向Facebook支付费用。||4:Limited Run补充道,在其改名之后(原先叫Limited Pressing),Facebook还要求其支付一个月2000美元的费用来为网站主页的更名打广告。||5:他们把Facebook看作"小人",并邀请其用户转而关注他们的推特帐号。||6:Facebook称事情正在调查,并称关于主页更名"其中一定有什么误会",因为这是完全免费的。 | ||1:New shareholders are not the only ones feeling fed up .||2:On July 30th Limited Run, a New York platform for the online shops of record labels, artists and designers, said it would delete its Facebook page.||3:It estimated that 80% of clicks came from "bots"-computers rather than people, but triggering payments to Facebook all the same.||4:Limited Run added that after it changed its name (from Limited Pressing) Facebook asked it to spend $2,000 a month on advertising to change the name of its page on the network to match.||5:Calling Facebook "scumbags", it invited its human visitors to follow it on Twitter instead.||6:Facebook says it is investigating, and that "there seems to be some sort of miscommunication" about the change of page name, for which it does not charge. | |
21 | ||1:渗透膜如同卫生纸一样卷起来的,但却有大炮那么大。Poseidon的Peter MacLaggan一边摸着渗透膜一边解释道:如果水分子胀大到乒乓球大小,盐分子有垒球大(在直径上大约长50%),病毒有卡车那么大,细菌有发电厂那么大。||2:在每天处理的10400万加仑海水中,有5000万加仑的纯水从渗透膜一端流出,然后在其另一端变成浓盐水,最终由发电厂的排放系统流回海里。 | ||1:Fondling a pipe of membranes (they are rolled like toilet paper but the size of a cannon), Poseidon’s Peter MacLaggan explains the scale: if water molecules were blown up to the size of tennis balls, salt molecules would be softballs (roughly 50% bigger in diameter), viruses would be trucks, and bacteria would be the size of power plants.||2:From the 104m daily gallons, 50m gallons of pure H2O will come out at one end and brine at the other, to be fed back into the power station’s discharge, and then into the ocean. | |
22 | ||1:网络工程并非一个光鲜的行业,而且最为庞大网络的实物构造缺乏水电大坝的宏伟壮观,也没有洲际铁路的绵延大气。||2:但它确实有自己的特点:普普通通、几乎废弃的大楼里,整齐地排满了富含高科技的服务器和路由器,由厚厚的几捆电缆连接起来,它们的散热风扇在冷清昏暗中组成了一支正在高歌的合唱队。||3:无论大楼在哪,这种特点都会受到本地文化的影响。||4:因此,一个追求超高科技风格的美国公司,打造“网络交通”的外观是给客户留下深刻印象的一种尝试途径。||5:法兰克福网络交换中心就是良好理性的一个模板,而伦敦的则是脏乱带着些破裂。 | ||1:Network engineering is not a glamorous profession, and the physical structures of the greatest network ever built lack the grandeur of a hydroelectric dam or a continent-spanning railway.||2:But they do have their own style: featureless, virtually deserted buildings, full of marching rows of high-tech servers and routers fed by thick bundles of cable, their cooling fans forming a roaring chorus in the chilly gloom.||3:That style is modulated by the local culture of wherever the building happens to be.||4:Thus one American firm goes for a super high-tech, “cyberrific” look in an attempt to impress clients.||5:Frankfurt’s internet exchange is a model of cool rationality, whereas London’s is grotty and coming apart at the seams. | |
23 | 与那些引人注目的、正在康复的女人们聊天,无数次让她重新抖擞精神。遇到困境时,只消相信上帝会用有力的双手将她拉出泥淖,让她重新站到坚实的地面上。 | At fed-up times she revived by chatting to the remarkable, recovering women outside. If she felt bogged down, she had only to remember that God with his strong hands would haul her out and set her feet in a firm place. | |
24 | “我们遇到了经济萧条。”抗议者说道。“我们遇到了经济衰退。我们现在经历的是一个繁荣与萧条的循环,人们开始对此厌倦。” | We’ve had depressions. We’ve had recessions. It is a boom and bust cycle that we’re having and people start to get fed up with it. | |
25 | 2009年4月,一名德国妇女提出与丈夫离婚,因为她受够了丈夫用一切时间做清洁。 | In April 2009, a German woman divorced her husband because she was "fed up " with him cleaning everything all the time. | |
26 | MrCao坚信选民们已经受够了Jefferson,但是它的胜利还是震惊了这个聚集着很多非洲裔美国人偏向民主党的城市。 | Mr Cao believes voters were just fed up with Mr Jefferson, but his victory stunned the heavily African-American and Democratic city. | |
27 | Obama还说他“受够了”各种政治姿态。 | Mr Obama also said he was "fed up " with political posturing. | |
28 | 阿尔吉尼亚、利比亚、约旦、巴林、阿曼都爆发了勇敢的民众示威活动——他们对当局拒绝给予发言权和表决权表示厌倦。 | Algeria, Libya, Yemen, Jordan, Bahrain and Oman have all seen brave demonstrations by people fed up with being denied a voice and a vote. | |
29 | 奥巴马总统在三年前的选举中获胜,可能部分原因就是美国人受够了“积极展开工作”的代价。 | President Obama may have been elected three years ago partly because Americans got fed up with the costs of that active work. | |
30 | 奥利维拉因为我不能帮她做网站而非常不满。 | Harry: Olivia’s fed up because I can’t do her website for her! |